Successfully installed java… ugh.
I have been/am an IT guy and I find this meme hilarious, that is until someone shows me their empty coffee mug and tells me they have successfully installed java.
I have been/am an IT guy and I find this meme hilarious, that is until someone shows me their empty coffee mug and tells me they have successfully installed java.
How coffee works… Coffee in, magic, energy out.
This is my local Starbucks. Well not really mine, but the one that is within a few minute drive from my house. I stop in there several times a week (sometimes multiple times in a single day).
Coffee (n): Survival Juice Especially on Mondays… and Tuesdays… and Wednesdays… Pretty much any day that ends in y 🙂
vCoffee Coming Soon! As soon as I finish my coffee 🙂